Saturday, March 17, 2018

Bremerton Symphony Orchestra featured my artwork!!! I'm very impressed, to say the least!

The show was amazing!  James Knauer hit it out of the park!  Congrats!

KITSAP SUN: Notes from the Podium by Maestro Alan Futterman for Bremerton Symphony Orchestra's presentation of Celtic Dreams, March 17 2018, 2pm, BHS PAC.
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The Bremerton Symphony are joined by acclaimed violinist Sophie Lee for this St. Patricks Day program including an Irish Medley arranged by our own Maestro Futterman, along with the premier of an original symphonic work, "Sometimes It Rains" by James Knauer based on a children's book by Paul DuFresne and illustrated by Tom Shannon.

The orchestra setting up for the big show

My artwork on the jumbotron

Book signing after the show

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